Oakhurst Acres, Largo

Oakhurst Acres, Largo

Schools near Oakhurst Acres

Located in the bustling neighborhood of Largo, Oakhurst Acres provides families with a variety of schooling options for their children. Within close proximity to the community, several reputable schools offer diverse educational experiences. Whether you prefer public, private, or charter schools, there are choices to cater to every family's needs.

Families residing in Oakhurst Acres have access to highly-rated schools such as Oakhurst Elementary School, Oakhurst Middle School, and Oakhurst High School. These institutions not only focus on academic excellence but also provide a supportive environment for students to thrive. Parents can rest assured knowing that their children are receiving a quality education right within the confines of their vibrant community.

Education options for residents

For families residing in Oakhurst Acres, Largo, there are numerous educational opportunities available for their children. The neighborhood is surrounded by several top-rated schools that cater to a diverse range of academic needs. Parents can choose from public, private, and charter schools, ensuring that each child receives a quality education tailored to their individual learning style and preferences.

In addition to traditional K-12 schools, Oakhurst Acres residents also have access to reputable preschools and daycare centers in the area. This provides working parents with convenient options to support their child’s early development while they are away at work. The proximity of these educational institutions to the neighborhood allows for a seamless transition between home, school, and extracurricular activities, fostering a supportive environment for families to thrive.

Commuting from Oakhurst Acres

Living in Oakhurst Acres offers residents convenient commuting options to easily access nearby towns and cities. Residents can take advantage of the well-connected transportation routes that provide efficient travel opportunities. With quick access to major highways and public transportation options, commuting from Oakhurst Acres is a seamless experience for those who work or study outside the community.

Located in close proximity to major roads like Highway 19 and East Bay Drive, residents can easily commute to nearby towns such as Clearwater and St. Petersburg. Additionally, public transportation options like buses and ridesharing services offer flexibility for residents who prefer not to drive. The strategic location of Oakhurst Acres provides a blend of accessibility and convenience for commuters, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a well-connected community.

Transportation routes and access

When it comes to transportation routes and access in Oakhurst Acres, residents are fortunate to have various options available to them. The community is strategically located with easy access to major highways and public transportation facilities, making commuting a breeze for those who work outside of the neighborhood. Whether you prefer driving your own vehicle, taking public transit, or carpooling with neighbors, getting around from Oakhurst Acres is convenient and well-connected.

Residents of Oakhurst Acres can benefit from the community's close proximity to major transportation hubs, including bus stops and train stations. This accessibility not only provides convenience for daily commutes but also opens up opportunities for leisure activities and easy access to nearby amenities. With well-maintained roads and efficient public transportation services, residents can enjoy a seamless travel experience to explore neighboring areas and beyond.

Pet Policies at Oakhurst Acres

Residents of Oakhurst Acres should be aware of the community's pet policies to ensure a harmonious living environment for all. The guidelines set in place aim to promote responsible pet ownership and maintain the aesthetic and cleanliness of the neighborhood. As such, pet owners are expected to adhere to a few key rules to foster a safe and enjoyable community for all residents.

Pet owners at Oakhurst Acres are required to keep their furry companions on a leash when outside of their homes and are responsible for promptly cleaning up after their pets. Additionally, there may be restrictions on certain breeds or sizes of pets to ensure the safety of all residents. By following these guidelines, residents can enjoy the company of their pets while still respecting the rights and comfort of their neighbors in the picturesque Oakhurst Acres community.

Guidelines for pet owners in the community

Residents of Oakhurst Acres pride themselves on being responsible pet owners. The community has established guidelines to ensure a harmonious living environment for all residents and their furry companions. All pets within the community must be kept on a leash when outside of the owner's property. This rule not only ensures the safety of your pet but also promotes a sense of security for other residents.

Furthermore, pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets. It is crucial to promptly pick up any waste left by your pet to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for everyone in the community. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in warnings or fines, as the community aims to uphold a high standard of cleanliness and respect for shared spaces.


Are there any schools near Oakhurst Acres in Largo?

Yes, there are several schools in close proximity to Oakhurst Acres, including Oakhurst Elementary School, Oakhurst Middle School, and Largo High School.

What education options are available for residents of Oakhurst Acres?

Residents of Oakhurst Acres have access to a variety of education options, including public schools, private schools, and charter schools in the area.

How is the commuting experience from Oakhurst Acres?

Commuting from Oakhurst Acres is convenient, with easy access to major transportation routes such as US-19 and I-275. Residents can also take advantage of public transportation options in the area.

Are there any specific pet policies at Oakhurst Acres?

Yes, Oakhurst Acres has guidelines for pet owners in the community. Residents are required to follow these guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents and their pets.

What are the guidelines for pet owners at Oakhurst Acres?

Pet owners at Oakhurst Acres are required to keep their pets on a leash when outside, clean up after their pets, and ensure that their pets are up-to-date on vaccinations. Additionally, there may be breed restrictions in place for certain types of pets.

Oakhurst Acres, Largo

Services Provided by South Pinellas Pool Cleaning in the Oakhurst Acres, Largo area:

residential pool cleaning
commercial pool cleaning
pump and heater maintenance
green pool cleanup